08:49duration 8 minutes 49 seconds
Apply Today - The $500 Library Prize for…
Apply Today - The $500 Library Prize for Undergraduate Research
From kbengtson
54:06duration 54 minutes 6 seconds
Text Analysis with Voyant Tools, part I
From Jessica McCullough
38:04duration 38 minutes 4 seconds
Tools for Engaging Remote Students Workshop 2021
02:46duration 2 minutes 46 seconds
Coded in Language
From media relations account
03:35duration 3 minutes 35 seconds
Slavic Studies at Connecticut College
03:08duration 3 minutes 8 seconds
Why Professor Marc Forster speaks many languages
20:32duration 20 minutes 32 seconds
DSPLA 2018 - Trinity College presentation
01:05:54duration 1 hour 5 minutes
DSPLA 2018 - University of Connecticut…
DSPLA 2018 - University of Connecticut presentation
From Lyndsay Bratton
40:21duration 40 minutes 21 seconds
DSPLA 2018 - Kw'ets'tel Project…
DSPLA 2018 - Kw'ets'tel Project (Anthony Graesch)
01:05:22duration 1 hour 5 minutes
DSPLA 2018 - Keynote by Nicholas Bauch
01:39:56duration 1 hour 39 minutes
DSPLA 2018 - Digital Scholarship Fellows…
DSPLA 2018 - Digital Scholarship Fellows presentation
09:41duration 9 minutes 41 seconds
DSPLA 2018 - Introductions
02:14duration 2 minutes 14 seconds
Visualization Wall
02:15duration 2 minutes 15 seconds
The Shain Library Renovation - The 'Noodle…
The Shain Library Renovation - The 'Noodle Factory'